
I am currently moving this blog from my .mac site, so posts are from 2006, until I catch up to myself! If you've found this blog, you probably know me. If you don't know me, hello there! I mainly blog about my life in Paris (France) and what is happening in my life as an actor (or actress if you want to be British. Maybe ACTRON is less gender-specific. Shall we try that then?). So, yes, here we all are. Have fun.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Jackass strikes again!

What do you MEAN today is April 3rd?! That doesn’t suit me one little bit! I need it to be April 4th right now...

I am currently in Vienna, but I should have landed in Paris a few hours ago. However, the meanies at Sky Europe wouldn’t let me board a plane 24 hours early. So WHAT if it says April 4th on my print-out, cheapo flight ticket when I want to leave NOW! I have appointments in Paris to honour. A full day’s work planned, man. Jeesh. What do you mean I can change my ticket for €380?? That’s not a ticket exchange, that’s a wallet-annihilation-operation. PLUS, I’m going to have to pay for my coffee on the plane as well.

So... why don’t I just enjoy an extra evening in Vienna instead? Feeling like a tit, but never mind. Better to be the (very very) early bird, than a day late, no?

PS This is NOT the first time I tried to leave someplace a day too early. Rewind to Sardinia, July 2001...

(Photo: Stephans Platz, Vienna. No, it has nothing to do with the post at all. You’re welcome.)

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