
I am currently moving this blog from my .mac site, so posts are from 2006, until I catch up to myself! If you've found this blog, you probably know me. If you don't know me, hello there! I mainly blog about my life in Paris (France) and what is happening in my life as an actor (or actress if you want to be British. Maybe ACTRON is less gender-specific. Shall we try that then?). So, yes, here we all are. Have fun.

Monday, April 02, 2007

U-bahn, Viennese-style

My favorite European subject, The Underground Public Transport System, is still a great place to gather material - even in a tiny city that only has six short subway lines! I was taking a quick journey on one of those spacious, excessivly clean trains, when the driver spoke to us all over the PA system:

“Dear Passengers,
It’s none of my business, but from where I sit, I cannot help but notice people tearing down the stairs at the sight of a waiting train, biting into a hot dog with one hand, while they use the other to telephone. Folks, please, grant yourselves some serenity. Our trains operate from 4h45am to mid-night. There is definitely a train for you - just take it easy!”


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