
I am currently moving this blog from my .mac site, so posts are from 2006, until I catch up to myself! If you've found this blog, you probably know me. If you don't know me, hello there! I mainly blog about my life in Paris (France) and what is happening in my life as an actor (or actress if you want to be British. Maybe ACTRON is less gender-specific. Shall we try that then?). So, yes, here we all are. Have fun.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Elephant Memory

I’m a contestant on a GAME SHOW!
Yes, folks, the rumours are true. I couldn’t get myself on French and German TV any other way...so I decided to play Memoquiz for Arte. Arte is a bilingual French/German channel and they devised a game show that didn’t require a lot of general knowledge, but tests your memory.

So, my show will be broadcast June 17 at 18h30 Paris time. I don’t want to give it all away, but there are 3 contestants and can you guess who wins? Yes, folks, the rumours are true...

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